
Gantt Chart and Timeline

Week 2
- Project briefing
-Secondary research about Kelantan.
-Doing proposal about the project, message and metaphor
-Target audience, gantt chart and time line.

Week 3
-Started doing secondary research ( more details about kelantan people )
-Submission on Proposals
-Started doing some rough idea and sketches
-precedent studies, application's flow and navigations, mind map
-more data gathering on secondary or primary research

Week 4
-Submissions of last week progress
-more research and data gathering, design issue, treatment of ideation and more sketches
-gather data

Week 5
-Submission of research method ( qualitative research )
- field research ( fact, interview and observations )
-visual gathering ( photographs, scans, videos and design )
-design issues and treatment : ideation and sketches

Week 6
-started doing the interactive application screen design, more ideation
-details about the music, typography, layout design, multimedia storyboard, concept board, digital screen design

Week 7
-started doing the application on the flash or director

Week 8
-A2 concept board print out
-web-blog and interactive CD

project planning based on the project briefing given :